For just a moment, think back to when your child first started to develop his language skills. He started off with some soft cooing sounds, and then before you knew it he was copying you, and trying to imitate the words you said. By the time your child was two years old, he probably knew a few hundred words, and that number quickly grew to a few thousand in just a year's time.
It's exciting to watch your child's vocabulary grow, and early reading can help boost that growth even further, offering your child a strong foundation for early educational success.
Developing Word Knowledge with Books
According to, children who are continuously learning more vocabulary words have a unique ability to think and communicate. Books that introduce new words to your child will not only expose him to those words, but they also help him to remember what they mean. As his vocabulary grows, so will his problem-solving skills, as well as his love for books and reading.
Practical Application
Studies have shown that the printed word is responsible for increasing the number of words we know. It's important to expose your child to books at a young age - even right from birth. Early reading skills will give your child access to a vast number of new words, which will help him foster a love for reading, as well as for learning.
Here at Horizon Education Centers, we are committed to helping your child succeed in reading and learning new words, as well as in every other area of his education. If you would like to know more about our programs, please contact us today.