child to caregiverIt has long been a bone of contention with teachers in the public sector that child to caregiver ratios are far too high for effective teaching. In addition to the extra paperwork that a teacher or tutor must prepare, each pupil does not really get enough one-on-one "face time" when the ratio hovers around the 30:1 mark as it does in most public primary and secondary schools in the U.S.

The U.S. Department of Education in a widely quoted study conducted in 2005 showed that student teacher ratios had a direct and significant impact on student reading scores in grades four through eight. Other state program research studies confirmed the study and added that lower student ratios at the primary level aided students throughout their academic career even when those class sizes were not maintained at the secondary level.

Private universities also understand the need for low student to teacher ratios with many boasting of average ratios as low as 12:1 in their brochures. While public schools cannot hope to achieve the same teacher to student levels, they do try to schedule larger classes at the introductory level and save the lower ratios for more advanced topics.

Horizon education Centers wholeheartedly embrace the need for low student to teacher ratios and ours are some of the best in the educational world at an average of seven students to one teacher.

For more information on these and other, education-related topics, please contact us at Horizon Education Centers. You can find us online at or you can call one of our locations directly.

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