Is it a challenge to get your children motivated to continue to stay on task as the school year winds down? Because we offer afterschool programs, we have firsthand experience with children who are tired of school. Our 21 Century Community Learning Centers designed to deliver hundreds of engaging learning activities specially designed to promote student desire to learn, and yet we know that as it gets warmer and summer approaches, children get antsy. gathered "Ideas on How to Motivate Kids to Finish the School Year Strong" to help parents who see motivated children lose focus and already unmotivated children become even more disinterested.
Keeping Kids Focused on Homework
Make sure your children gets outside so he or she doesn't feel trapped indoors. You may be surprised at the difference this makes. You can also let your child get a break outside for each hour he or she spends doing homework. A break outside can clear the mind and help your child focus if he or she must return to finish more homework after the first hour.
Setting Goals
Work with your child on setting goals for the end of the school year because "even a student who is self-motivating during the first part of the school year may lose some of their conviction during the last month or so of school."
Be a Role Model
If your child knows that you leave work early because the weather is warm or find some other way to get out of work responsibilities to enjoy good weather, your child will think it is okay to do the same. When your child sees that you finish work before you go out to play or relax, he or she will get the message that warm weather is not an excuse for avoiding work.