At Horizon Education Centers, we employ caring teachers and we work to have as low a student teacher ratio as possible. For example, our toddler care program as a 1:7 staff/child ratio. This is a good ratio for a day care program and unless you have a large number of children living in your home, the adult/child ratio at your home is probably much better…so if that is the case why do children feel the need to compete for their parents' attention? sought to help parents who wonder how to handle sibling rivalry, especially when the bids for attention result in behaviors like fighting, tattling, and whining. They reassure parents that "it is normal for siblings to compete for their parents’ attentions and time," but add that having strategies in mind can help.
Routines: Children feel better about themselves and the world they inhabit when parents establish routines. This allows them to anticipate what will (likely) happen next and cuts down on time when they can get into trouble. also suggests having one-on-one 5-minute mini dates with your children. Children who crave attention will know when to expect their time with you and this may cut down on the impulse to do other things to gain your attention.
Responsibilities: Being in charge of taking care of something is a great self-esteem boost and another way to help a child's overall sense of well-being. Make the responsibility age-appropriate and praise your child for a job well done. Be careful not to compare the efforts of siblings, however. If one child does a so-so job, give them an opportunity to do better.
Rewards: You can involve your children in outlining rewards when you, "Ask your children to help you make their own personal reward list (draw or write it out). " then "Each time you catch them getting along use praise and/or a reward to encourage them."