What happens to your child’s brain development during summer break? Between the end of the school year and the start of the next, every student is at risk of learning loss.summer slide

On average, students can lose up to two months of reading skills and 2.6 months of math skills over their summer break. Children are at risk of losing more than just academic knowledge—physical activity takes a hit too.

It’s clear that children need to remain engaged throughout summer, whether it’s exploring a local library or enrolling in a summer camp.  There are many ways you can help your children engage in learning during the summer, while having fun as well.

  • Explore your surroundings.  Whether you’re at the zoo or a park, take a moment to read plaques, signs and everything else.
  • Incorporate mathematics into everyday tasks. Math is all around us: at a restaurant, cooking and baking, shopping, board games and puzzles.
  • Visit local libraries and museums. Sign up for summer reading programs or attend summer activities they may be hosting.

Regular physical activity can lead to increased concentration and improved mathematics and test scores. Enrolling your children at Horizon Education Centers for their summer break will help them to avoid the summer slide and ensure they don’t lose any of the development they worked so hard to gain. Your child will enjoy educational activities, fun clubs, family nights, reading programs, swimming instructions and field trips.

It can take up to two months from the first day of school for a student’s brain development to get back on track. Don’t let your child fall behind, all it takes to prevent any learning loss from the summer slide is two to three hours per week! Horizon Summer Camp