When considering kids and electronics and their ability to take on the responsibility of having a cell phone, there are arguments for both sides. However, giving your child a cell phone is not only something that's okay to do, but it's also something that can be a useful tool for many different reasons.
The best reason to give your child a cell phone is safety. Many cell phones have a GPS feature that allows you to find out where they are at any given moment. Cell phones also provide you the opportunity to communicate with your child at all times. This eliminates frustrations because of changes in after school plans, delays in picking them up from day care, and it also gives your child a way to contact you in case of an emergency or just to let you know they arrived at a friend's house safely.
Because of the surge in new technology, more kids are spending hours on their phones texting instead of phoning. As a parent, you should take care to limit social interaction that borders on controlling their lives; however, you can use texting as a new way to communicate with your child in a way that he or she understands. Many families rely on texting as a way to remain connected with their children.
One of the best reasons to unite kids and electronics is to teach responsibility. When your child is entrusted with a cell phone, it shows them you believe they are capable of handling the responsibility. Usually, when kids are given responsibility, they rise to the occasion and want to make their parents proud. Kids who learn this principle early on will carry it into their adult years.
So, if you've chosen to entrust a cell phone to your son or daughter, don't worry. As long as you monitor their activity (and your phone bill!) this will prove to be a positive experience for both of you. Check out the Horizon Education Centers blog for more helpful topics on how you can stay connected with your child.