children activitiesChildren need to be physically active. Physical activity is essential for a child’s large and small muscle development and promotes good physical and mental health. The best way to encourage your child to be more physically active and is to make physical activity part of your daily family life. Embracing a more active lifestyle sets a great example for your child and is good for the whole family!

Try these activities to make exercise fun:

  • Take an after-dinner walk together. A stroll around the neighborhood aids digestion, helps kids burn off energy before settling into the evening routine, and starts turning dinner calories into muscle. It’s also a great time to share a quiet chat with your spouse or one of the kids. Bonus: Your dog will love it!
  • Bike to a favorite playground or local park for a picnic. Choosing a destination fosters a sense of accomplishment, helping children associate exercise with good feelings.
  • Commit to participating in a charity walk as a family. Setting a goal gives exercise purpose and provides an incentive to get in shape. Training together encourages family members to support each other, strengthening family bonds. When you cross the finish line as a family, your kids will feel good knowing that you all worked together to help someone else.
  • Schedule family sports nights. Have family members take turns picking the sport: bowling, soccer, softball, Frisbee golf, swimming, jump roping, relay races, tag, capture the flag, etc. Keep the focus on fun.

Summer Camp and child care programs at Horizon Education Centers make exercise fun for kids.