If parents had to pack into a single word all the emotions they felt the first time they dropped their child off at day care that word would be “GUILT!” Guilt is the initial emotion that binds all parents when they leave their children at a day care center or preschool and head off for work. At Horizon Education Centers, our caring staff understands that children aren’t the only ones who must adapt to a new routine when a child begins his first week at a new day care or preschool. Parents go through their own adaptation process.

Day Care StaffWe understand that even though they know it is necessary, it is difficult for most parents to entrust the care, safety and development of their child to someone else. That’s why our staff works so hard to keep parents informed about their child’s activities and behavior and is always happy to answer parents’ questions. We understand that parents miss their hour-by-hour involvement in their child’s life. We try to ease that loss by letting parents know what their child is learning and how he or she is progressing in motor, knowledge and social skill development. Our staff understands how hard it is for parents to miss small milestones in their children’s lives, so we use notes and photos to record special moments to keep parents up-to-date on their children’s progress.

At Horizon Education Centers, we consider child care a collaborative effort and we work closely with parents to create a safe, nurturing, lively environment where they can leave their children guilt-free.