step-up-to-quality-2Congratulations to North Olmsted Horizon and Elyria Cascade Horizon on their 4-star Step Up to Quality ratings!

The rating is the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS) recognizing North Olmsted and Elyria Cascade Horizon Education Centers for going above and beyond licensing expectations.

To be awarded four stars, the teachers and staff at both locations created individualized plans for student development and parent engagement.

Having a team of staff working together was the key, said Elyria Cascade Director April Palmer. “It’s all about follow-through, too. Our team has to work together every day, thinking and planning ahead for what’s best for our students.”

North Olmsted Director Dawn Marflake agrees that great staff are at the heart of a four-star center, adding that learning as a team strengthened her staff. “We were able to do so much more for the children because of the training we had to go through together. Knowing more about how to engage children and their parents with education was invaluable,” she said.

To earn a 4-star rating from ODJFS, every teacher must have training or a degree in early childhood education, focusing on building parent and community engagement.

Parent and community engagement is another cornerstone of a 4-star rating.

By bringing in community partners that provide parents and students with expert advice and information, staff at Horizon Education Centers incorporates parent engagement and community involvement into everyday curriculum and monthly family nights.

Our community partners help our teachers develop specialized lesson plans and curriculum, which engages students with new content that keeps them learning—one of the fundamental roles of Horizon Education Centers.

The 4-star rating proves that programs at Horizon Education Centers are top quality, and that we prioritize staff and student success above all else.New Call-to-action