Family fun nights are an ideal way to carve out quality time to connect with one another and create lasting memories. And the fun doesn’t have to stop when the weather gets colder!
Benefits of Family Fun Nights shares how family nights can bring families closer as they enjoy time together. Parents can teach their children “great interpersonal skills” while everyone in the family can share ideas with one another. In short, these relaxing get-togethers are great opportunities to bond as a family.
Winter Family Fun Night Ideas
Kids Activities Blog also shares ideas to enjoy together, and here’s one of them.
#1: Family Game Night
While the snow is falling and as the wind is blustering, you can be snuggly indoors, perhaps enjoying mugs of hot chocolate and then playing favorite games. Benefits of playing games together include how children can learn how to win—and how to gracefully lose. It can also teach them how to share and be social.
For optimal fun, it’s important to choose a game that’s appropriate for everyone, which, depending on the ages of your children, could be Candy Land or Chutes & Ladders. If you decide to play Charades, Country Living provides plenty of suggestions for gestures that youngsters would have a fair shot at guessing such as brushing your teeth, being an alligator, cheerleading, or chewing bubble gum.
You can hold a game night with just your family, or you can invite other people: Grandma and Grandpa, for example, or special aunts, uncles, and cousins. When you’re with people you love, more can definitely be merrier!
#2: Science Experiments suggests an evening of science-related fun. You can, for example, quickly and easily make a bowl of Magic Milk. First, pour whole or two percent milk in a shallow bowl until the milk covers the bottom. Now add three to four drops of food coloring—and then add three to four drops of another color. You can add as many colors as you’d like. Next, put in a drop of dish soap right into the middle of the milk.
The colors will swirl around, delighting children with magic! You can scroll down on the Magic Milk page to find the scientific explanation.
#3: Movie Night
You can all gather together to watch a movie of choice; recommends twenty movie options to consider. You can also use movie night to show your children the now-classic films that you really enjoyed when you were young and to learn what your children enjoy. Add some popcorn to the night and something refreshing to drink, and you’re all set! To help, here are ten simple popcorn recipes from
Explore Horizon Education Centers
We’ve built family fun night ideas into our schedule! Here’s an example of when our Parma Community childcare center enjoyed a great night filled with pizza, games, and family fun.
If you’re looking for a childcare center for your children, here are our locations.