LP-Summer-Camp-2016-middle.pngThis summer, your child will love learning and growing during Horizon Education Centers Epic Adventures Summer Camp. The learning themes are built to prevent summer learning loss and engage hands-on science, math, reading and art skills and experiences important to their development.

Maybe your child loves movies. The Hollywood week will be their favorite, learning about character development through their favorite movie characters and stars and going on a field trip to A Christmas Story House. If your child likes nature, the Walk on the Wild Side learning theme includes a field trip to Common Ground in Oberlin to teach them about biology and nature with a creek walk and a chance to explore.

The Artsy and Amazing Animals learning theme will give your child a chance to explore nature through art with a trip to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. If your child loves to play outside, the Sporty Fun learning theme will be their favorite, with games and exercises meant to get their brains and bodies moving, and a trip to a Crushers Game or Cascade Horizon for the 9th annual Field Day.

Don’t miss the fun! Enroll today. Epic Adventures are waiting!

Horizon Summer Camp