Parental Control for you childrenAt Horizon Education Centers, we are offering a discount on our Toddler Care program, which has a creative curriculum to help your toddler develop.

The toddler years are a time of learning, growth, and exploration. As a parent you want to encourage your child to reach for learning opportunities…but you may not want your child reaching for your electronics as part of their exploration of the world around them. offered tips for parents of toddlers to help them keep their electronics and their toddlers safe.

Sign Out

Being able to stay signed in to e-mail, apps, and shopping sites is very convenient…but it can also be costly if your savvy toddler figures out how to gain access to your devices. It may take more work to sign in to websites and apps but it may be worth it if it prevents a curious toddler from buying a car by accident.

Get a Case

Invest in a sturdy case for your smartphone because as the writer of the article observes, "Even though I keep a password on my phone, there's still plenty of opportunity for my son to destroy it." Your child is just as fascinated with your smartphone as you are and if they can grab it, they might damage it.

Parental Controls

Because children do need exposure to electronics, some parents don't make these gadgets completely off-limits. If you do allow your toddler to use your electronic devices that are connected to the internet or have a variety of apps, find a way to limit what they can do and see. Some devices have control options build in and you may have to install a parental control app on other devices.

Photo credit: bachmont