Being a parent is a difficult task. It becomes even more difficult when you factor in working a full time job (or two), taking care of your home, and caring for your family. Because you're busy it can be easy to lose sight of what your kids need, which is quality time with you.
As your children grow older, their needs are going to change, and their need for quality time for you will change. All too often, families suffer and kind of "disconnectedness" between the parents and the children. This can be eliminated, however, with a little bit of preparation and discussion with your kids ahead of time.
When you think about your children, ask yourself what some of the things they like to do are. Perhaps your daughter is an avid shopper, or your son enjoys playing video games or likes watching baseball. Parents who take an interest in some of the things their children enjoy will find that their kids are more willing to communicate with them about themselves and what they are dealing with in school and in life in general.
However, communication is only one of the great results of connecting with your children on their level, and in their favorite activities. If you take some time to let them choose how you spend your quality time you might find:
- An increase in their grade point averages.
- A chance to rediscover your own childhood.
- Your children begin to listen to your advice about things they consider important.
- Your children begin to listen to your advice about things they consider important.
And these are just a few of the benefits you will experience once you incorporate quality time with your children into your busy schedule.
Your children are growing quickly, right before your eyes. Take some time to invest in them now, and you'll see a huge return on that investment in the near future. At Horizon Education Centers, we are here to help with helpful information and before and after school care.