Child Care Blog | Horizon Education Centers

Tips for Disciplining Your Toddler, pt. 1

Written by David Smith | Mon, Jul 15, 2013 @ 12:25 PM

In "Secrets to Toddler Discipline," explains that some of the discipline methods that work with older children (such as time-outs) will not work so well with toddlers because at that age children don't really get the connection between cause and effect yet. Understanding cause and effect will come with age but what do parents do in the meantime? The website quotes psychologist Deborah Roth Ledley, Ph.D. and author of Becoming a Calm Mom: How to Manage Stress and Enjoy the First Year of Motherhood, who says, "Parents often think of discipline only in terms of punishment, but the origin of the word is 'to teach.'" So very young toddlers need to be taught about boundaries and how to interact with others.

Stick to your limits:

Of course this is easier said than done…so in some ways disciplining a toddler also requires self-discipline for a parent. If you let your child have his or her way after clearly indicating a limit, he or she may not take these limits seriously or become frustrated.

Limit the use of "No!":

Toddlers quickly learn this word and begin using it quite often, sometimes making it into a game. You can say "No!" if your child is in immediate danger (e.g. getting ready to touch a hot oven). Otherwise, try to tell your child what he or she can do instead of making "No!" your go-to word for all kinds of situations. You don’t want to dilute the power of this word by overusing it.

Horizon Education Centers offers a safe, nurturing environment that your toddler needs and deserves. We are also offering a discount on our Toddler Care program so you can place your child in a caring childcare center at a reasonable price.