Child Care Blog | Horizon Education Centers

ODE Early Learning Standards for Children - What Are They

Written by David Smith | Fri, Jun 22, 2012 @ 12:07 PM

Early learning is essential for our kids to get ahead and plan for academic success. A sure fire road to a good academic career is by implementation of a strong foundation and creating a thirst to learn. In Ohio, parents and teachers are working together to help our kids succeed through the ODE (Ohio Department of Education) and early learning standards.

The ODE has put in place academic standards for all Ohio students. These standards have been created so that all students are empowered to succeed. Even students with cognitive disabilities are still able to effectively demonstrate knowledge, and all students’ standards for excellence were elevated to ensure that all were able to maintain and exceed expectations.

Beginning in July 2011, new standards were put together to extend the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Math and Science and Social Studies. These expectations put the onus on students to perform, teachers to educate, and parents to assist.

Horizon Education Centers' day care and educational programs are champions of this new movement. Having quality child care and early learning is essential for our kids continued success. Imagine how much further ahead your child could be were they to find themselves immersed in learning from an early age. In Elyria, Lorain, North Olmstead, or North Ridgeville, get a jump on your kid’s educational success by calling your local Horizon Education Center today.